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Hadija H. Mwinuka​ from Mahanje Saccos Madaba village, Songea district​ shares:

“The youth training changed my economic life. With the help of the group loan 

received from the sacco, I am now a young female farmer owning 2 acres of maize. This is my first time and a new experience for me, but I want to create another youth group where we can do animal keeping together”

Alfred A. Kombo from WAMC-MADABA sub-district​: “The youth training helped me to focus more on poultry keeping. I have managed to create a modern poultry house and increased the number of poultry from 20 to 50, with having more chicks. The sales in chickens for home consumption have increased”.

Enock Mhanje from Wino-Madaba sub-disctrict: “The youth training was a wake-up-call for me. Things that I thought were impossible are possible. I did a close follow-up on my agricultural activities and I managed to increase my yield from 8 to 12 bags of potatoes with 0,5 acre. In addition, I have healthy pigs".


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